Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Temple
3705 S. Swartz Road, New Berlin, WI-53146
About the temple
Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Temple is a religious, Not-for-Profit tax exempt organization (Tax ID# 46-3932976) registered in the State of Wisconsin, USA. Main objective of Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Temple to protect, preserve, promote and propagate the Srivaishnava philosophy as expounded by Bhagawad Ramanujacharya and Swami Sri Vedantha Desika for future generations. To celebrate Acharyas, Azhwars and Lord Sriman Narayana throughout the year.
Venkateswara Jayanthi
Small Title
Desikan Jayanthi
Upcoming Events
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A Message from the temple
Dear Devotees,
We have set up a Gofundme for temple construction funds here is the link:
or you can click the "Donate Now" button. Please share this with your family & friends and help us raise funds for this noble project.
Krish & Jayashree Narayanan.
Temple construction photos